Professional Practise 3
Fresh Egg Collective Studio Branding
Fresh Egg Collective Studio Branding
- Last time, Joseph and I decided to keep the idea as a Collective going forwards. So far we have interest from Rachel, Caitlin, Emily, Stacey, Amy and Rhys to take part in the Collective, however everyone has noted that they want to wait and see what positions they will be in post-graduation, due to the current Pandemic and external circumstances with whether they will be remaining in Leeds or returning home.
- We have, however, agreed that we would like to work on another film post-graduation as a starting point for the Collective. This would allow us to better understand each others' work ethic and how we can develop our presence going forwards. As part of this, I designed a mascot and the group chose a colour scheme we could work with.
- Here are some initial mascot designs:
- The favourite mascot of the group is the one at the very top, with the half-egg head and yolk body. I decided to develop this into a final mascot:
- We also put together a Discord, so we can continue to communicate after University has finished!
- As further research for the Collective, as we decided on the possibility of creating another film together after Graduation, I found several books which explains the budgeting process for a film or studio. The first book, "The Animation Business Handbook" by Karen Raugust provided some great information on salary averages, budgeting for a film, creating merchandise and animation in international markets. I found the sections about film budgets the most interesting as it spoke about online film budgets. However, I would note to take this book with a grain of salt, as a lot of the statistics are taken from 2001, of-which the industry has changed enormously since.
- I additionally made notes on "Producing Independent 2D Character Animation: Making and Selling a Short Film" by Mark Simon. I found this research more beneficial, as he had produced his own films and animations for festivals. He, additionally owns his own studio. I focused on the sections about budgeting, copyright and festivals.
- Here are my notes:
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