Professional Practise 1
Study Task 2: Who Am I?
Why did you chose to study on this course?
- Learn the software and programs required within the Animation Industry, to test my problem solving skills.
- The course allows me to explore the different kinds of animation within the industry and then find which I am most interested in studying.
- I have been interested in animation for a few years and I'm good at working under specific deadlines, and working in teams, therefore a course learning animation seemed to fit my style of learning and creativity the best.
- At A Level, my subjects I studied were Art, Media and Music and they all seemed to fit within working in what the course specified and the skills needed.
- I enjoy telling stories and drawing up concepts for specific character designs and I thought it would be ideal to pursue this within a job I would enjoy and want to continue in my life.
What do you want to learn during your time on the course?
- I want to learn how to be more confident at presenting my ideas
- Learn how to use all industry standard software required for a variety of jobs within Animation
- I want to be able to co-operate within a team, because I tend to work quite independently
- I want to learn how to be more versatile in my art and apply my skills to a variety of different briefs and medias
- How to improve my skills in 3-D Animation, as I have never experimented in this medium and possibly would like to go into the games and film industry exploring this
What skills do you think are your strengths?
- I have very good organisational skills, such as keeping within deadlines and documenting my progress through both words and drawing
- I'm very quick at learning new skills and pick up on things easily, especially in using computers and digital media
- Digital art and background illustrations are one of my strengths
- Being able to improve and listen to the feedback from others and teachers
- My professional approach to design and layout of characters
What things that you want to improve?
- My skills in 3D animation and rigging
- Creating more variety in my character designs and appeal of characters
- Working in groups and as a team, and becoming used to the idea of working individually but then incorporating my ideas in a group
- Being open to explore new ideas and medias within animation and not just staying to one, such as 2D Animation
- My presentation skills and confidently stating my ideas
What ways you will evaluate your progress?
- Through my overall work in each task given, such as upon approach of the 3D work later in the year
- Being able to give a confident presentation for the end of the brief
- Responses from my peers and teachers in how my skills have improved and how they could further develop from my original idea
- Analysing and accessing my own work and critically over-looking my drawing skills
- Accessing the variety of mediums I complete throughout the course and analysing the improvements I make
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