Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Study 3 of Animation Fundamentals: Timing

Animation 1: Animation Skills
Study Task 3: Timing

The Blinking Animation

For this study task we had to create a blink animation, creating a "snappy" motion as practise. Once completing the blink, I coloured the frames and then moved onto the scene/shot animation. I think that I managed to demonstrate snappy movement with the blinking, however I feel I could improve by making more consistent lines with the eyes. I was able to make improvements to my timing, when I also referenced the book, "Animators Survival Kit", which has a section on timing.

The Frames on 12s

For the second task as part of this, we had to create a series of 6-12 drawings to demonstrate the movement from one shot on our storyboard to the next. As my storyboard consisted of a lot of cuts, there was only one I could use. This consisted of my character jumping, at a close-up and a smash zoom-out to demonstrate him protecting the rabbit. I decided to animate the camera movement also to time that correctly.

Timed Frames

I think that I did well in managing to get the animation done in two hours and that I created both fluid and snappy movement. I could improve by making the shape and body more consistent and the lines consistent in drawing. 

Timed Frames Coloured

Shaded Gif:

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